Do you know how to take care of a mahogany dining table? Mahogany is one of the most popular hardwoods used in furniture and in musical instruments; it has a warm lovely color and intricate grains which certainly makes a great dining table. Mahogany furniture will give you years of amazing use if you take care of it in the most suitable manner. Here are important care tips.
You will be able to maintain the beauty of a mahogany table when you polish it frequently. But when it comes to polishing mahogany, less furniture polish is more. Therefore use a clean rag, place only a few drops of furniture polish. Apply this all over the surface of the table and then with a little bit of elbow grease, polish with an even circular motion. If you are using spray wax, spray on the rag and not on the furniture. Rub gently and evenly.
If there is excess polish, remove this using a lint-free cloth. Again polish using even strokes but this time, dampen your rag with mineral spirits and wipe this on the table surface till the excess polish is removed.
To take care of an olderĀ mahogany dining table you should inspect the table surface for any scratches, blemishes and glass marks. For scratches, try removing scratches with a walnut. Rub the walnut with the grain of the wood. This will fill the scratches however; deep scratch marks could be harder to remove. For moderately-deep scratch marks, you can use a cotton tip applicator. Dip this in iodine and gently apply this along the scratch mark. After the iodine has dried up you may now proceed with polishing the surface with a wood polish.
Once in a while we forget to use a coaster or a placemat as we place a wet glass on the table. Water marks create rings on the surface of the table and these rings are definitely hard to remover buy polish alone. Experts suggest using white toothpaste and mayonnaise over the area. Rub the mixture over the furniture and see how great it is in removing water rings.
For tough stains on a mahogany dining table, rub a small amount of lemon oil over the difficult stain and allow this to remain on the stain for at least overnight. Remove the excess oil in the morning by wiping the area gently.
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