Home Exterior Design Ideas For Your Next Renovation

House Exterior Designs

House Exterior Designs / From: User Submitted

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They say that first impressions count and this is why you need to take a look at the following home exterior design ideas.

If you do not know where to begin, why don’t you start with the very obvious? Conduct an inspection of your home exterior and list the possible repairs and upgrades that your home desperately needs. For instance, could your frontage use a new splash of paint? Or a new window pane? Or how about a few repairs to your front door? If you are uncertain what you should, or should not, be touching or you are concerned about safety and building codes, talk to an experienced contractor for help.

Once you are done with obvious repairs, the next step would be to look at what features would enhance your home, such as adding a few greens to your porch or patio. Use planters which will easily add beauty and color to your home exterior. You can purchase planters from a store or you may use ones that you have in your yard. You may use potted flowers, grasses or succulents. Place these near your front door or along the porch. If you have patio or porch furniture, place one on the table or along the steps leading to your front door.

Make your driveway look like new by paving it and adding a sealer. Add stone walkways to lead to your front door and plant grass too. These are simple and inexpensive home exterior design tips that you can do even during a weekend.

Your porch could become a great welcoming place for your guests by simply adding planters and repainting your old patio furniture. Use fabric over your furniture pieces, add throw pillows and hanging plants and suddenly, and at very little cost, this area of your room becomes more inviting. Creating a lovely warm patio will make your guests wonder what’s in store for them indoors.

There are simple outdoor ornaments that could also help make your home exterior shine. You could add a new mailbox (or repaint an old one!), add driveway lighting or patio lighting or decorate with a new house number plate. Other outdoor home exterior design ideas are benches, patio swings, using mature plants, window shutters and planting flowers along your driveway. All these are easy, inexpensive and will yield amazing results in no time.

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